Mar 5, 2009

Controversy Over Yucca Mountain Just Starting... again.

No... is not an answer to a problem.
More than two decades after Yucca Mountain in Nevada was selected to be the national nuclear waste repository,
And instead of offering a viable longterm alternative... the Administration asserted  "Yucca Mountain is not an option, and the budget clearly reflects that," Stephanie Mueller, a spokeswoman for the Department of Energy, said yesterday.
NOW - Less clear is what will happen next with the nation's growing stockpile of nuclear waste.
"That's a great question," said Geoffrey H. Fettus, an attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council.
The budget provides no answers as to what the administration proposes to do with the approximately 57,700 tons of nuclear waste at more than 100 temporary sites around the country, or with the approximately 2,000 tons generated each year by nuclear power plants. The Yucca site was designed specifically to handle spent fuel rods from the nation's 103 nuclear generators.
"The new administration is starting the process of finding a new strategy for nuclear waste," Mueller said.
HAASE - Maybe they should give me a call ;-)
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