Mar 5, 2009

U.S. Energy Dept to fund $84 million for geothermal energy

Only millions invested in the cleanest most viable energy sources, while trillions are being thrown into the sloth pits? 
At this rate... giving the billions to DOE may be our only hope for a energy independent future, not a 'few million in demonstration projects' 
How much did corn ethanol get with the ethanol subsidy of 51¢ a gallon? 10's of Billions...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -  The department said it plans to award as much as $35 million for 20 or 30 research proposals addressing development of advanced geothermal technology.
Chump 'change'..
In addition, up to $49 million will be provided for five to 10 domestic projects demonstrating enhanced geothermal systems that generate at least 5 megawatts of electricity a year.
IF - "The administration is committed to funding important research like this to transform the way we use and produce energy and reduce our dangerous dependence on foreign oil," he added.
THEN will be to little, to late....  Obama has pledged that the United States will get (ONLY) 10 percent of its electricity from renewable sources such as geothermal energy by 2012 and (ONLY) 25 percent by 2025.
Hardly.. "President Obama has laid out an ambitious agenda to put millions of people to work by investing in clean energy technology like geothermal energy," Energy Secretary Steven Chu said in a statement.
The United States is the world leader in geothermal electricity generation. Some 29 geothermal power plants operate on federals lands, with total generating capacity of 1,250 megawatts, enough to power 1.2 million homes.
More information on applying for the department's funding for geothermal projects is available at
Your choice, an energy independent nation by 2020 utilizing sustainable energy or another trillion dollar decade thrown away to corn & nuke subsides?