Global Human Protein Deficit
There were already significant concerns regarding wheat supplies and a dangerous pathogen called Ug99 wheat rust is spreading.
Assuming we dodge the wheat rust and climate issues the 43% reduction in protein content we won't have much trouble here in North America but it is going to be awful for places like Haiti.
Haiti already had troubles related to food .. and the things people do when there isn't enough to go around. If the wheat they buy suddenly has dramatically less protein the effects will be awful.
Haiti is the obvious problem in this hemisphere and I'm going to pick Pakistan as the trouble spot in the east. They're already under the gun financially and if they escape an outright default they're still going to have reduction in imports ... and again we come back to the 43% decrease in protein.
There are some things we can technically do to avoid outcomes ..., but I don't think we have the political will to do them.