Kohl's Department Stores Number One on EPA's List says press release via csrwire
Kohl's green power usage increases to more than 50 percent, furthering company's commitment to sustainability and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Kohl's Department Stores (NYSE: KSS) announced today that according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) quarterly listings, Kohl's is the number one purchaser of green power among retailers, third overall and third among Fortune 500 companies.
EPA's National Top Partner lists, released earlier today, highlight EPA Green Power Partners that have completed the largest annual voluntary green power purchases through April 7, 2009. According to EPA, green power is electricity that is generated from environmentally preferable renewable resources like wind and solar. These resources generate electricity with a net zero increase in carbon dioxide emissions.
In 2009, Kohl's purchased more than 600 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power through renewable energy credits (RECs) in areas such as solar, wind and landfill gas. This is more than double Kohl's previous green power commitment and enough to meet 50 percent of the company's purchased electricity use. According to U.S. EPA, Kohl's green power purchase of 600 million kWh is equivalent to avoiding carbon dioxide emissions of more than 79,000 passenger vehicles per year, or is the equivalent amount of electricity needed to power nearly 60,000 average American homes annually.
For more information on Kohl's green initiatives or EPA's Green Power Partnership, visit www.kohlsgreenscene.com or www.epa.gov/greenpower.
Source: csrwire