Apr 23, 2009

Milwaukee’s first rooftop urban roof garden (CSA)

Tree Hugger - Urban areas leave little room for gardening and greenery. Community gardens and green roofs give city dwellers the opportunity to enjoy greenery and gardening and now a rooftop farmer in Milwaukee started Milwaukee's first rooftop CSA.

Shares are now available in Milwaukee's first rooftop CSA. The extensive variety of organic fruits, vegetables, and herbs are being grown atop The Community Building and Restoration Building just south of the city's Capitol for $800 per share. The CSA season will run longer than most because of the community greenhouse also erected to continue the harvest season for tomatoes, broccoli, peppers, and cauliflower into the winter season. From planting strawberry plants to planting numeorus rows of carrots, transplanting tomato plants, and starting new seedlings, it's all being documented in the Roof Farmer Blog.