Apr 11, 2009

Trillions contiune to elude us from logic...

We have spent Trillions on "hydrogen and cold fusion dreams" over the last four decades while ignoring the simple, practical, logical steps that are required to have a sustainable future...  at some point as a nation we will need to wake up from the delusion that throwing more money at a problem will fix it. When the solutions are already free? 

Google AP  $3.5 billion, engineers have completed the world's most powerful laser
March 31/2009 - After more than a decade of work and $3.5 billion, engineers have completed the world's most powerful laser, capable of simulating the energy force of a hydrogen bomb and the sun itself.http://www.livejournal.com/community/craftgrrl/7373383.html
The Energy Department will announce Tuesday that it has officially certified the National Ignition Facility at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, clearing the way for a series of experiments over the next year. Scientists hope the experiments eventually will mimic the heat and pressure found at the center of the sun.
The facility, the size of a football field, consists of 192 separate laser beams, each traveling 1,000 feet in a one-thousandth of a second to converge simultaneously on a target the size of a pencil eraser.
"What we want to show is scientific proof of the principle of fusion energy," said Moses, predicting some experiments for a short time may produce 50 to 100 times more energy than the lasers themselves generate.
Maybe a 'few people' should google "Robert L. Park" bob, and fusion and hydrogen energy scams to grasp the medias delusion...
HAASE NOTE - The 'department experts' I correspond with have never appeared delusional about the 'practical' applications of hydrogen or fusion... the ones who disagree, typically are naïve to realistic alternatives or have received a degree or conflicting 'research funding in the impractical fields of confusion'