Scale and local energy is everything... if the electrolysis can be generated locally and sustainably, electric cars and even H2 cars have viability.
Many 'plug-in hybrids and current electric car designs do have better 'cradle to cradle' energy with less environmental impact than this model. But, with the idea being 'open source' these obstacles may be resolved by rapid advancements that surpass mine and many expectations.
Regardless, it is an exciting and encouraging development in the future of hydrogen cars.
A new hydrogen-powered car, whose designs will be “open source” and posted for free use on the web, was unveiled today in London. The company behind the Riversimple urban car claim the new model proves hydrogen automotive technology is ready for roll-out now rather than in 10 years’ time.
The open-source approach means entrepreneurs around the world could download the designs and manufacture the two-seater prototype locally for free.

The car, which drove in to the launch event, is capable of a 50mph top speed, 0-30mph acceleration in 5.5 seconds, and has a 240 mile range. The car’s backers say it has greenhouse gas emissions of 30g/km CO2, less than a third of the latest hybrid petrol cars such as the Toyota Prius and Honda Insight.
The lightweight Smart car-size vehicle uses hydrogen in a modest 6kW fuel cell, and – in the case of this prototype – uses hydrogen converted from natural gas. Hydrogen can also be created from water using electrolysis and potentially even from bio-fuels.
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