Jul 2, 2009

FutureGen: Earmark Becomes the Costliest Pork Project in History

Looks like more pain for futuregen:
It appears that FutureGen does not currently seem to be a “smart investment.” The DOE restarted the project as of 12 June, but lack of private backing for the remaining costs has stalled progress again. Both American Electric Power Co. and Southern Co. have pulled funding as of 26 June

Coburn's amendment would strike the largest single earmark ever - a $2 billion appropriation for the FutureGen Alliance Project of Illinois. Former Illinois Democrat Gov. Rod Blagojevich has been among the project's biggest supporters, even though the U.S. Department of Energy says it's a waste of resources.

Coburn claim: This allocation should be properly called a shameful example of pork spending, since FutureGen was the only possible project that fit allocation criteria. Much of FutureGen funding would have originated in the Department of Energy (DOE) before an abrupt announcement to pull funding in 2008. Renewed evaluation caused officials to doubt the project’s economic and environmental benefits.

FutureGen funding is an earmark President Obama stated would not be included in the stimulus bill.

Administration response: The DOE has reviewed the project and will continue to do so. FutureGen will only receive full funding “if it proves to be a smart investment.

Dear administration, it is not

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