I understand obesity is a massive problem and strain on our nation but after PETA's deadliest year ever I think they should focus on a little more compassion and support.
Yet drama is what PETA does best.

...the implication is that being a vegetarian will automatically make you lose weight. That’s just as ignorant and misleading as this ad.
Suggestion slogan to PETA - How about 'have a heart and save yours by going vegetarian'
But I forget PETA is in it for 'organizational awareness funding' NOT results.
Read full at Huffington Post
Let me understand this... It is O.K. to exploit silicon and botoxed injected and fat women for a cause? And kill animals as long as it is done without pain?
Look I totally get the whole don't eat meat and kill things. I just don't understand how hypocrisy, exploitation or hate can persuade people to make better choices?
I suppose it is the difference between activism and positive influence.