Sep 16, 2009

New climate panic report from Wisconsin 'climate change group'

Visit the maps of scientists' recent findings of climate trends and projections in Wisconsin, released on September 14, 2009.

WICCI focuses solely on the impacts of climate change - how the climate affects us. According  to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), University of Wisconsin-Madison scientists represent "groundbreaking work,"

"This study highlights the very local effects of global warming that towns, counties and states will have to address to effectively adapt to climate change," said Peter Frumhoff, Director of Science and Policy at UCS and a lead author for the United Nations' Nobel-Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. "We need more studies like this one because much of the responsibility for adaptation ultimately will rest with individual localities."

The University of Wisconsin-Madison study examines a scenario in which heat-trapping emissions continue to increase significantly over time, resulting in serious consequences by mid-century. UCS released a study last week contrasting the consequences of a lower-emissions and higher-emissions future for Wisconsin and other Midwestern states by the end of the century. Dramatically reducing heat-trapping emissions as quickly as possible would help the country avoid the worst consequences of climate change over the next century, Frumhoff said. Continuing on a business-as-usual path would lead to much more severe costs...

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