EPA Must Finalize Mercury Rule By Nov. 2011 – Settlement. U.S. EPA will issue a final rule requiring strict plant-specific controls for mercury and other hazardous air pollutants at power plants,
Obama Says 'Consensus Is Growing' On Comprehensive Bill. President Obama said today that a "consensus is growing" on Capitol Hill to pass comprehensive energy and global warming legislation,
Poll: Americans' Belief In Global Warming Cools. -The number of Americans who believe there is solid evidence the Earth is warming because of pollution is at its lowest point in three years, according to a survey released Thursday.
Opinion: Ruse Of Global Warming. Many of us feel man-made global warming is a ruse exploited by big government advocates as part of their social engineering ideology. After much arm twisting in the House of Representatives, the energy "cap and trade" bill narrowly passed this summer. Fortunately, due to a national public outcry, it has stalled in the Senate to date.
Calculating Emissions Is Problematic. An accounting problem in the way some greenhouse gas emissions are calculated could critically hobble efforts to reduce them in coming years as nations move to combat global warming, scientists warn in a new report. Posted.
Of Climate Change and Nuclear Power. "Emotion replaces thought and practicality" when it comes to opposition to nuclear power, Mr. Brand, a professed "eco-pragmatist," makes the case for nuclear power in his latest book, "The Whole Earth
California's Push for Electric Cars May Raise Costs for Power for consumers in the state, as a growing number of rechargeable vehicles forces utilities to pay for grid upgrades.