SolarLease™ Makes It Possible for Customers to Adopt Solar Power for Less Than They Previously Paid for Electricity, and Save Money from Day One
SolarCity's lease combines with solar rebates, to make solar power as affordable for homeowners as anywhere in the nation. A SolarCity solar lease of a 4-kilowatt solar system, appropriate for a typical 3-bedroom home in Los Angeles, would start at $55 per month, with no money down, on approved credit. Read more about SolarCity here
(CBS) Sunlight is free... but, With rooftop solar systems costing $25,000-$50,000, even ardent environmentalists run for cover
That's thanks to a hot idea sweeping the solar industry: leasing. Nalty gets solar panels free. The solar company charges her $100 a month for the 15-year lease, and state and federal rebates for new solar systems - worth a couple of thousand dollars - go to the company.
"My usage is down," Nalty says, and she saves so much on electric bills that she actually comes out ahead about $100 each month.
"I kept thinking it was too good to be true," she said.
(CBS) So Kathy Nalty isn't the greenest person on the planet - but leasing has made her greener.