The overall purpose of the conference is to connect current scientific research findings and policy with balance in perspectives and without bias. In this context, policy refers to government policy as reflected in federal, state, or local government actions that include legislative, regulatory, voluntary, and educational efforts. The conference objectives are:
* provide current information on human health, environmental, and ecological research findings pertaining to mercury in addition to associated policy activities
* provide a forum for evaluating advancements in reducing mercury releases
* provide a forum for discussing the scientific and public health basis for policy actions to effectively address mercury risks
* facilitate an exchange on the cross media technical, policy, and management issues pertaining to mercury
* identify high priority areas for future cost effective mercury reduction activities and strategies
* identify high priority areas for future research needed to inform policy and management decisions
In general, the scientific research presented will focus on applied rather than basic research, unless the basic science is important to understanding critical issues and questions. Conference sessions will reflect issues of special interest in the Great Lakes or Northeast Regions.
Additional information regarding the conference, including the latest agenda, is available at