- H.R. 515, Radioactive Import Deterrence Act ...would prohibit the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), with certain exceptions specified by the bill, from issuing licenses to import certain types of low-level radioactive waste. Based on information from the NRC, CBO estimates that the proposed prohibition would not significantly affect net spending by the agency; any such spending would be subject to appropriation and largely offset by certain fees that the NRC is authorized to collect from regulated entities. Enacting the bill would not affect direct spending or revenues.
- H.R. 3644, Ocean, Coastal, and Watershed Education Act...would reauthorize—through 2015—and expand two National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) grant programs aimed at enhancing environmental education related to water resources... would cost $139 million over the 2011-2014 period and $48 million after 2014.
- S. 1224, Chesapeake Bay Science, Education, and Ecosystem Enhancement Act of 2009...would reauthorize the Chesapeake Bay Office of the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The bill would authorize appropriations totaling $79 million over the 2011-2014 period to support certain activities carried out by the Chesapeake Bay Office. The bill also would authorize that office to accept donations of funds, property, and services for use in implementing its programs.
- S. 850, Shark Conservation Act of 2009...would prohibit certain activities that may involve shark finning (the practice of removing a shark's fins and discarding its carcass). The bill also would direct the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to identify foreign nations that do not sufficiently regulate fishing practices that harm sharks.
- S. 1472, Human Rights Enforcement Act of 2009...would direct the Attorney General to establish a section within the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ) to enforce the laws against serious human rights offenses.