To facilitate energy-smart design of high-performance buildings, DOE gives builders and architects the tools to predict energy flows in commercial and residential buildings—before construction—with EnergyPlus™ software (Note: I love this stuff :-). EnergyPlus, DOE's fully integrated building, HVAC, and renewable energy simulation program, models building heating, cooling, lighting, ventilating, and other energy flows, as well as water.
OpenStudio, DOE's free plugin for the Google SketchUp 3D drawing program, makes it easy to create and edit the building geometry in EnergyPlus input files or launch EnergyPlus simulations and view the results in SketchUp.
This Webinar will focus on the importance of precise energy simulations in the drive for high-performance buildings, and will provide an overview of the features and capabilities of EnergyPlus software and the OpenStudio plugin.
Target Audience: Architects, engineers, builders.
Presenter: Dru Crawley, Ph.D., Commercial Buildings Team Lead, Building Technologies Program, U.S. Department of Energy.
This Webinar is free of charge, but you must register in advance Please see DOE full alert here