Jan 26, 2010

Grama & Grampa - Lets call the "war on drugs' FAIL

Illicit Drug Use among Older Adults - Like it isn't bad enough they've blown there health and insurance costs out the door on obesity and 60/70's addictions to 'recreational and prescription drugs' older adults are still 'keepin on' by killing themselves slowly and painfully.

+ An estimated 4.3 million adults aged 50 or older,  had used an illicit drug in the past year, based on data from 2006 to 2008

+ Marijuana use was more common than nonmedical use of prescription-type drugs for adults aged 50 to 54 and those aged 55 to 59, but among those aged 65 or older, nonmedical use of prescription-type drugs was more common than marijuana use

+ Marijuana use was more common than nonmedical use of prescription-type drugs among males aged 50 or older, but among females, the rates of marijuana use and nonmedical use of prescription-type drugs were similar.

How do they thinks their off spring will follow? (hint - monkey see)

Source Link Shirl Kennedy DocUticker