Jan 19, 2010

Sustainability as a Profit Center

HTML clipboardgreeneconomypost -Integrating sustainability concepts into core business functions makes companies more nimble in this fast-changing world.  It makes brands more attractive to consumers and retailers, and its management more respected by employees and the financial markets. In short, the drivers for improved business sustainability equate to improved performance.HTML clipboard

According to an Aberdeen Group study, The ROI of Sustainability: Making the Business Case, top performing organizations view sustainability as a "must have" strategy for long term business viability and success.  The top drivers for business sustainability implementation identified in the study include:

•    Desire for Social and Environmental Stewardship – 56%
•    Increase or Maintain Brand Reputation – 48%
•    Need for a Competitive Advantage – 46%
•    Stakeholder Pressure – 29%
•    Rising Energy Costs – 22%
•    Present or Expected Regulatory Compliance Mandates – 22%

While these drivers are appealing, business sustainability is best appreciated when viewed through the lens of your business.  Consider how business sustainability programs can help your business to improve sales, grow your business and differentiate your business from the competition.

Read more at greeneconomypost ROI of Sustainability can Reduce business cost, Improve Sales and Stay ahead of the curve