Feb 1, 2010

Follow the money... smart grid market to reach $16 Billion by 2015

What is smart Grid All about? $
LuxResearch report "The Smartest Opportunities in the $16 Billion Smart Grid," graphic illustrates our breakdown of smart grid opportunities into three market segments – measurement and communication, analysis and services, and local management. These segments break down further into the eleven subsegments shown.
The Growing Smart Grid

The smart-grid market was already formidable in 2009, with revenues of over $4.5 billion due mostly to aggressive adoption in the U.S. Figure in the efforts to build intelligent power grids in countries around the globe, and the smart grid market is on track to grow at an impressive 23% CAGR over the next 5 years, reaching a staggering $15.8 billion in 2015. Read more at LuxResearch