Mar 17, 2010

Help from CRS for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for Disaster Response

VIA DocUticker: 
OpenCRS -  In the aftermath of a major disaster, communities may need to rebuild, replace, or possibly even relocate a multitude of structures. When recovery activities take place on such a potentially large scale, compliance with any of a number of local, state, and federal laws or regulations...the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA, 42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq.) may apply.

... compliance criteria applicable to historic preservation, floodplain management, endangered species, air quality, and farmland protection have been considered. This review is required not only to meet NEPA obligations, but also to ensure that the project being funded does not violate applicable environmental law.

...To address issues associated with the NEPA process, this report provides an overview of the NEPA process as it applies to such projects, identifies the types of projects (categorized by federal funding source) likely to require environmental review, and delineates the types of projects for which no or minimal environmental review is required (i.e., those for which statutory or regulatory exemptions apply) and those likely to require more in-depth review.