OS&H - The three-day OSHA training event has been scheduled for federal agency staff responsible for workplace safety and health issues. This training, happening June 22-24 at the OSHA Training Institute at 2020 South Arlington Heights Road, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60005 , is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills needed for keeping federal workers safe and healthy on the job, the agency said.
The OSHA Training Institute, in collaboration with OSHA's Office of Federal Agency Programs, will conduct a series of half-day seminars that discuss potential hazards, such as ergonomics, pandemic influenza, indoor air quality, and fire protection. OSHA said it developed this training event to ensure that federal workplaces have safety programs and standards consistent with those in the private sector.
Registration will be open until June 8. Students can access registration forms, course descriptions, and other details at www.osha.gov/dep/fap/index.html.
Government agency personnel will not be charged tuition or fees to attend the training courses.