Jul 24, 2010

Story of off grid dreaming...

Is this why we are all here?
From Jim ...As of May 2010 I am embarrassed to admit that I must now use food stamps in order to be able to continue paying the mortgage. As a single 45-yea- old owner of a home that I can't sell now due to the housing market collapse, almost all of my finances go to trying to simply hold on to my home. Unfortunately this  trend is not sustainable for much longer since my unemployment has completely dried up... read more about the growing surge of survivalists and what hardships bring them to this point here

Much of the 'survivalists network' is doom and gloom, but they do offer great information on off grid living, safety, preparedness, being self sufficient and conservation. If we could only instill these values in the fabric of modern living, perhaps this network would have a little more hope in humanity.

Yet with the way we are trying to 'spend our way out of it', will continue to give the 'survivalists network' and lot of new readership.

We need to ask every American:

What are we paying for and why? How did the American Dream become our nightmare?

Easy... consuming, spending beyond our means.

Affordable - means you 'can afford it.'
- means you can continue doing without further outside needs.
None of our habits in the last two decades encourage either.