Sep 2, 2010

Protesting all protesters... a madman at Discovery Channel

I felt ill this morning reading the headlines that "Environmental fanatic killed after taking hostages at Discovery Channel" (NY Post)

Environmental protectionism at it's worst...
The idea of an individual who promotes themselves as someone who wants to protect people and the planet...and then threatens to harm others, goes against the very nature and intent of protecting. Making it worse, news networks across our nation will be giving a this protester airtime...Just as he wanted.

This protesters actions leave a horrible legacy of hate and harm...and the idea that it is tied to 'environmental protection' just sickens me.

First rule: Do no harm.
I have meet 1000's of people in my lifetime who have made an huge impact on our air, water and overall environmental quality.
NONE were protesters.
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My father  (pictured right) went to UW Madison in 1969 during the peak protesting movement in our nations history.

I asked my father if he ever protested at these rallies.

He said that "he was too busy working on ways to help" and "could not understand the anger and conflict in these people promoting themselves as peaceful"

He graduated in four years with a 4.0 GDP and went on to become one of the most successful Environmental Engineers in Wisconsin history.

Co-founding one of the first environmental professional protection groups (FET).

Educating 1000's to follow his leadership, compassion and logic through formal actions that have made Wisconsin one of the cleanest and most protected regions in the U.S.

Not by protesting, but by offering greater incentives and inarguable programs to protect and improve our environment.

That is environmental protection at it's greatest.