Sep 1, 2010

WasteCap & AROW to host a webinar on organics recycling.

WasteCap is partnering with AROW to host a webinar on organics recycling. This webinar will explore three different techniques for approaching food waste recycling, particularly from a commercial perspective.  Register here


Michael Keleman of InSinkErator will discuss the use of anaerobic food digesters as a viable option for food waste diversion from landfills. Discarding food waste in a disposer for transportation to a wastewater treatment facility is one option for keeping food scraps out of landfills. Michael will discuss how this technique is being expanded for commercial use, and share a pilot study that was done with Outpost Natural Foods grocery stores to divert its food scraps from solid waste landfill disposal.


Heidi Ringhofer of Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (WLSSD) will speak about the source separated organics material composting programs that WLSSD has implemented. After passing a Solid Waste Ordinance in September 2006, WLSSD now approaches waste management with goals of resource recovery and pollution prevention. Heidi will discuss the innovative approach WLSSD is taking to help both residential and business customers reduce the amount of food waste they produce and send to landfills.


Dean Stewart of Sanimax will talk about the viability of organic waste collection programs. Sanimax is collecting organic waste such as outdated fruits, vegetables and bakery items, and diverting them from landfill by bringing them to commercial composting sites and bio-digestion operations. Dean will share a case study of the food scraps Sanimax is now collecting from Wal-Marts across Wisconsin and Minnesota and how it fits in its model of reclaim, renew and return.


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