Dec 2, 2010

Isn't Wiki Leaks Treason... at least terrorism?

Have we let political correctness blind us from point blank threats? HTML clipboard
Treat everyone like criminals and criminals like everyone else?
While we are busy letting TSA pat grope our grandmas... Julian Assange's group at WikiLeaks is starting world wars.

If this is not Treason how is in not at least terrorism?

...even in matters of life and death, many people would prefer to lose in a politically correct manner than win easily, but make people angry in the process. So, we put nonsensical, self-defeating limitations on ourselves to try to avoid angry editorials and hurt feelings. Take warfare, for example. We've built an overwhelming, nearly unstoppable war machine that can turn any military force that goes up against it into cat food and then we've proceeded to create mind numbingly stupid, overly legalistic rules of engagement that nullify many of our advantages. We have a military capable of reducing whole regions to rubble in days and yet we struggle to deal with Somalian pirates and Taliban cavemen because we can't bear the idea that there might be an unflattering piece in the New York Times...

At the least WikiLeaks founder could be charged under Espionage Act
Washington Post  the Justice Department and Pentagon are conducting "an active, ongoing criminal investigation.'' Others familiar with the probe said the FBI is examining everyone who came into possession of the documents, including those who gave the materials to WikiLeaks and also the organization itself...under the Espionage Act