Feb 12, 2011

Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) budget for Congress.

HTML clipboardThe growing nation debt and budget numbers are hard to grasp in an era of insurmountable debt, loss of entitlements, jobs and homes.

Not only is the property of our nation at risk, but the very foundation of the people who defend our rights to freedom and liberty if we do not make choices that support peaceful resolutions to end three decades of trillion dollar conflicts at the cost of tens of thousands of lives.

Yet history has proven that the rise of
world tyranny, communism and fascism can cost the lives of millions more and global insolvency.

These are decisions no one wants to make, but some have to. 
Pray they choose wisely.

CBO.gov  ...the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP), associated with the budget that it submits to the Congress...Over the 10 years from 2012 to 2021, DoD would need a total of $680 billion (or 13 percent) more than if funding was held at the 2010 level.

CBO's projection of the total cost of the FYDP through 2015—at $2,874 billion—is $41 billion (or about 1 percent) higher than the department's estimate. Much of the difference derives from an assumption that recent trends in the costs of weapon systems, medical care, and other support activities persist.

Indeed, Secretary of Defense Gates announced on January 5, 2011, that DoD will trim its plans by a total of $78 billion (or about 3 percent) from 2012 to 2016 in recognition of the fiscal environment.

Please read full CBO  PDF here