Eyjafjallajoekull emitted an estimated 15,000 tons of CO2 a day and shut down air traffic for weeks...What do you think this could do?
The Telegraph - Geologists detected the high risk of a new eruption after evaluating an increased swarm of earthquakes around the island's second largest volcano.
....he said there was "every reason to worry" as the sustained earthquake tremors to the north east of the remote volcano range are the strongest recorded in recent times and there was "no doubt" the lava was rising.
"This is the most active area of the country if we look at the whole country together," he told the Icelandic TV News. "There is no doubt that lava there is slowly growing, and the seismicity of the last few days is a sign of it.
"We need better measurements because it is difficult to determine the depth of earthquakes because it is in the middle of the country and much of the area is covered with glaciers."
The last recorded eruption of Bárdarbunga was in 1910, although volcanologists believe its last major eruption occurred in 1477 when it produced a large ash and pumice fallout.
It also produced the largest known lava flow during the past 10,000 years on earth.