... Turbine lights illuminate highways

We have come across street lights being lit up using solar energy. On the same lines, now we have wonderful road lamp designs to save electricity as they run on power generated by wind. These wind powered lights, called turbine lights, use moving air from cars zooming out on the highway, to collect power and energy to run the roadside lights. However, these turbine lights can prove to be successful only in regions which are heavy on wind.
...Happy Basin: Clean, precious water up for slurps

This concept of 'Happy Basin' has been introduced to make use of polluted water, which generally goes down the drains and is not used for any purpose. For instant, clean and purified water, nano filters are embedded in the holes at the bottom of the basin's cup which, in turn, helps in the filtration of water. All you need to do is simply push the basin into the water body and the surface tension buoyancy do its job.