Nov 18, 2011

99% v 1%: the data behind the Occupy movement | Animation |

Guardian - It has been the rallying cry of the Occupy movement for the past two months - but is the US really split 99% v 1%? As poverty and inequality reach record levels, how much richer have the rich got? This animation explains what the key data says about the state of America today... Explore the data behind this animation and read the script

NOTE: Look -  I report and understand the inequality and imbalance here every week but,  I think these protests are as much of a waste as the wasted protesters... Did they learn nothing from the 60's protestors (These are our baby boomers now)?

However, I think a small percent of the group are contributing viable solutions people will embrace... But would have far more of an impact using all of our modern tools we have to share information.

In the end...this 99% waste will end up costing tax payers 100's of millions of dollars in crowd control, repair and city management. And will end up being as effective as:

  • Live Aid was to ending hunger
  • Live Earth was to ending global warming
  • or 60's protests were to ending war