Dec 7, 2011

$10.8 million penalty by Labor Dept for 29 dead at Upper Big Branch mine

The U.S. Department of Labor's Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) released today the findings of its 20 month-long investigation into the Upper Big Branch coal mine explosion. The April 5, 2010 disaster killed 29 workers, seriously injured another worker, and left hundreds of grieving family members and friends. MSHA identified 12 violations of safety regulations that contributed to the cause or the severity of the disaster. Nine of the 12 contributory violations were classified as "flagrant" infractions which come with a $220,000 penalty each (for a total of $2.64 million). In addition to these contributory violations, MSHA investigators identified an additional 357 non-contributory citations and orders, that combined make-up the $10.8 million penalty---the largest in MSHA history. The contributory violations include:

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