The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) voted to approve a rule certifying an amended version of Westinghouse’s AP1000 nuclear reactor design for use in the United States. (Earlier post.) The amended certification, which will be incorporated into the NRC’s regulations, will be valid for 15 years.
...US Energy Secretary Steven Chu issued a statement in support of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) decision to certify Westinghouse Electric’s AP1000 nuclear reactor design, a significant step towards constructing a new generation of U.S. nuclear reactors. In February 2010, the Obama Administration announced the offer of a conditional commitment for a $8.33 billion loan guarantee for the construction and operation of two AP1000 reactors at Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generation Plant in Burke, Georgia.
The Administration and the Energy Department are committed to restarting America’s nuclear industry&madsh;creating thousands of jobs in the years ahead and powering our nation’s homes and businesses with domestic, low-carbon energy. Today’s decision certifying the AP1000 reactor design marks an important milestone towards constructing the first US nuclear reactors in three decades.
—Secretary Chu