Dec 1, 2011

Half of greenhouse gases 'emitted by five nations'

More than half of all carbon pollution released into the atmosphere comes from five countries, according to a national ranking of greenhouse gas emissions released Thursday.

"Although per capita energy use in China and India is relatively low, overall energy demand is very large," said Maplecroft Analyst, Chris Laws.

"When combined with high use of coal and other fossil fuels, this results in large emissions in both countries."

Brazil's output of 1,144 megatons from energy use would be significantly higher if deforestation were taken into account.

Among advanced economies, the United States -- No. 1 among large nations for per capita emissions -- produced 6,539 megatons of CO2e.

Russia, at 1,963 megatons, ranked fourth. Its emissions dropped after the collapse of the Soviet Union, but are expected to rise.

In Japan, where output was at 1,203 megatonnes of CO2e, safety fears over nuclear power could lead to a greater reliance on  -- and a spike in carbon emissions, Laws said.

Data comes from several sources, including the US Energy Information Administration and the US Environmental Protection Agency.

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