Dec 8, 2011

The Most Dangerous Thing You Do Every Day

U.S. adults, all of whom admitted to doing something that would classify their driving as "distracted." The number of drivers who engage in dangerous behaviors while driving number is "terrifyingly high," says Humphrey Taylor, chairman of the Harris Poll. If you think you aren't one of them, guess again:

• 86% of respondents said that they eat or drink while driving, which, although one of the milder instances of distracted driving, increases your risk of a crash by 2.6 times.

• 59% talk on a non-hands-free cellphone, which ups your risk of a crash sixfold.

• 41% of people set or adjust their GPS device while driving.

• 37% text while driving, increasing crash risk by 23 times (or 2,300%!).

• 25% of respondents said they have driven after having two or more drinks.

• 44% said they've felt sleepy while driving, "sometimes even momentarily dozing off."

• 36% admitted to reading paper maps sometimes, and 10% do it "often," which statistics show ups accident risk sevenfold.

• 20% have styled their hair behind the wheel at least once, and 10% do it often or sometimes; 7% say they apply makeup "frequently."

• Disturbingly, 13% of drivers have surfed the Internet while driving, and 9% do it regularly.

• Finally, 7% say they watch videos, either on an in-dash DVD player or on a mobile device, "often or sometimes."

Bottom line? When you're driving you should be focused on the road—and hoping that other drivers are, too.

Read more:
Distracted Driving Addressed by Politicians, Scientists, and Advocates