Dec 5, 2011

NASA satellites show 40% decline in SO2 values over the largest US coal power plants between 2005–20

NASA satellites show some success in reducing air pollution from US coal plants

Geophysical Research Letters - Estimation of SO2 emissions using OMI retrievals

Satellite sulfur dioxide (SO2) measurements from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) satellite sensor, averaged over a period of several years, ... found between OMI SO2 integrated around the source and the annual SO2 emission rate for the sources greater than 70 kT y−1. OMI SO2 data also indicate a 40% decline in SO2 values over the largest US coal power plants between 2005–2007 and 2008–2010, a value that is consistent with the reported 46% reduction in annual emissions due to the implementation of new SO2 pollution control measures over this period.

NASA press release about the research

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