Dec 11, 2011

New Flame Retardants in Great Lakes DNA: TreeHugger

Flame retardants called PBDEs are being phased out due to health and environmental hazards. But chemicals used to replace them are building up in Great Lakes fish, and possibly messing with their DNA.

Back in 2004, the industry began replacing polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs) used in products like furniture, electronics and clothing with new versions called Firemaster. As explained by Chemical & Engineering News, levels of the replacement chemicals are now rising rapidly in Great Lakes fish, doubling every 13 to 19 months.

Researchers from Indiana University recently analyzed more than 500 air samples on both sides of the Great Lakes, in the U.S. and Canada.

They found that the Firemaster compounds --- better known as TBB and TBPH --- also have started to accumulate in the environment. Levels of the compounds are doubling every 13 months in fish from Chicago and Cleveland and every 19 months in more rural sites...