Dec 24, 2011

Nissan Says Batteries for the Nissan Leaf Can Take a Licking - Forbes

Nissan is making a case for the safety and strength of the lithium-ion batteries in the Nissan Leaf, while being careful to avoid specifically mentioning a recent controversy over fires in crash-damaged batteries from the Chevy Volt.

Around 20 units of the Nissan Leaf were damaged in the March earthquake and tsunami in Japan, a Nissan spokesman said. Some were utterly “crushed and mangled,” and some had seawater damage, but no battery fires resulted, the company said. There was a story today in The New York Times that highlighted how the EVbatteries in the Nissan Leaf survived the tsunami.

“The Leaf battery is installed in a triple layer safety structure to mitigate the battery’s exposure in a crash,” the company said in a written statement...