Dec 7, 2011

State of California Shows up the Fed’s Emissions Targets With Impressively Ambitious AB32 Cap and Tr

california climate law, ab32, assembly bill 32, comprehensive climate legislation, climate legislation, california climate legislation, california carbon credits, carbon credits, carbon market, emissions market, emissions credits, california, global warming, climate change

INHABITAT - In 2013 California will go where no U.S. state has gone before – it will start a comprehensive emissions limiting program by employing the mandatory use of carbon credits throughout the state for large emitters. AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, was passed by the state legislature and signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger. It gives the California Air Resources Board (CARB) the power to start limiting carbon emissions on a small-scale immediately after the passing of the bill, and asks CARB to develop a long-term plan for the reduction of the state’s carbon emissions. The long-term plan will institute a carbon cap-and-trade program that is expected to reduce emissions by 2-3% per business each year until 2020. The plan will allow businesses to sell credits for excess carbon they reduce or buy credits if they are unable to do so. The plan starts in 2012 with present levels of carbon emissions, and reductions will become mandatory in 2013.

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