Dec 9, 2011

USPS Slowdown, 100,000 to Lose Jobs

U.S. Postal Service slows down first-class mail in bid to stave off bankruptcy amid $3billion budget cuts
    * Post office set to close 250 of nearly 500 mail processing centres as early as March
    * USPS would also lower delivery standards in place since 1971
    * Roughly 100,000 postal workers could lose their jobs, saving USPS around $6.5B

 After five years in the red, the post office faces imminent default this month on a $5.5billion annual payment to the Treasury for retiree health benefits.

It is projected to have a record loss of $14.1billion next year amid steady declines in first-class mail volume. Mr Donahoe has said the agency must make cuts of $20 billion by 2015 to be profitable.

Read on at DailyMail