Dec 10, 2011

White House unveils new strategy to combat homegrown terror

The White House unveiled a strategy Thursday aimed at battling homegrown terrorism that emphasizes better coordination with local authorities.

The United States has made significant progress in degrading al-Qaeda's capabilities in recent years...
"Protecting our nation's communities from violent extremist recruitment and radicalization is a top national security priority," according to the strategic document. "It is an effort that requires creativity, diligence and commitment to our fundamental rights and principles."

The strategy draws broad outlines for fighting extremism and follows up on the White House's National Strategy for Counterterrorism, which was released in June.

In a speech timed with the release of the counterterrorism strategy, Obama's top counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, said the United States needed to avoid playing into al-Qaeda's strategy that "seeks to bleed us financially by drawing us into long, costly wars that also inflame anti-American sentiment." Brennan stressed that the White House would emphasize combating al-Qaeda's efforts to inspire people within the USA to carry out attacks on American soil.

One interesting facet of the new document is a call for teaching local officials to recognize violent extremism. The strategy suggests federal and local authorities tweak the way they approach the American Muslim community on the issue.

"Just as we engage and raise awareness to prevent gang violence, sexual offenses, school shootings and other acts of violence, so, too, must we ensure that our communities are empowered to recognize threats of violent extremism and understand the range of government and non-government resources that can help keep their families, friends and neighbors safe," the report says.

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