Herald-Review.com A new state law went into effect January 1, that requires customers purchasing products containing sodium hydroxide, or lye, and other corrosive chemicals to show a legitimate photo ID and to provide their name, address and date of birth. And the store clerk will log the time and date of purchase.
...According to the law, every retailer in Illinois that sells products containing substances regulated by the Federal Caustic Poison Act and product labels that read "causes severe burns" must maintain a registry of customers. This even includes grocery stores that sell drain cleaner. A business caught not maintaining a registry is fined $150 the first time. Up to a third offense is a $1,500 fine."Do I like it? No. Do I have to comply? Yes," Trevor said. "Come Jan. 1 and your drain clogs and your wife sends you out for drain cleaner, you better have a picture ID with you, or you won't be able to buy it." Chemicals being regulated include any corrosive or caustic acid or alkaline substance or any solution or mixture of corrosive or caustic acids or alkalis. Neither the Illinois House or Senate bills lists specific brands being regulated. Batteries are not regulated.Please read more by BRIAN WELLNER - Herald-Review.com