May 19, 2012

Cap-and-trade to generate billion$ for rich on California tax payer energy cost increases

I am a huge advocate of clean energy programs... But this is NOT what they look like.
California is slowing become a model of how "not to do clean energy" and will slowly kill market with these kinds on miss guided programs.

Another "Billion dollar Disaster in California" as Big, green energy firms take billions of tax payers dollars for carbon trading ponzi scheme.... If you thought selling bottled water was a genius scam, these guys are selling "hot air" 

sfgate The auction of emission permits, known as allowances, could generate $1.8 billion next year by one estimate, growing to $5.8 billion in 2015. The amount Californians pay for electricity and gasoline could rise as a result, unless some of the money is returned to them as rebates or dividends.

"That's part of the intent of cap and trade - it's to embed a carbon price signal throughout the economy, and that includes electricity rates," said Jordan Parrillo, a regulatory analyst with the utilities commission's consumer affairs branch - the Division of Ratepayer Advocates.

"These decisions are now upon the state," said F. Noel Perry, founder of Next 10. "They're upon the Legislature and the governor and the people of California. I'm not really sure if people realize it, but yeah, it's here."

For example, the California Air Resources Board, which is in charge of developing the system, estimated two years ago that gas prices could climb 6 percent by 2020 because of cap and trade. At today's prices, that would equal an increase of 26 cents per gallon. Under one of the commission's less rosy scenarios, the increase could be as much as $1.61.

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NOTE- I know California has VAST resources of unlimited clean energy sources and I fully support those programs. But, this program is about the monopoly and control of energy programs by traders and elitists. Any GOOD sustainable energy program LOWERS long and short term rates and GIVES back to taxpayers.