May 3, 2012

Conditions of American Restaurants "66% cooked or served #food on the #job while ill" - New Consumer Guide

Restaurant Opportunities Center United (ROCU) has written the National Diners’ Guide 2012: A Consumer Guide on the Working Conditions of American Restaurants. “Consumers will now routinely ask if they are eating free-range chicken,” says Saru Jayaraman, co-director of ROCU. “Well, we want them to ask if their servers are getting paid sick days, too.” The Guide uses criteria such as how much the line cooks and servers are paid, do they receive sick leave, and whether their employers offer them chances to rise up the ranks. In 2010, Restaurant Opportunities surveyed 4,300 kitchen workers, 66 percent of whom said they cooked or served food on the job while ill because they wouldn’t collect a paycheck if they stayed in bed.

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