May 3, 2012

#Milwaukee, Wisconsin & Grand Rapids, MI develop new #Green Infrastructure Portfolio Standard (GIPS).

CNT Pilots a Green Infrastructure Portfolio Standard in Two Midwest Cities. The Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) has been working with officials in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Grand Rapids, Michigan to develop a new way to manage stormwater in developed urban settings: the Green Infrastructure Portfolio Standard (GIPS). The GIPS pilot program is modeled on the Renewable Portfolio Standard and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard policies used to encourage renewable energy and energy efficiency use, respectively. The GIPS is intended specifically to help developed areas scale up green infrastructure practices relatively quickly, since stormwater regulations that apply only to new developments or redeveloped sites are inadequate for this purpose. A goal, for example, could be that the installed green infrastructure retain an additional 1 percent of the runoff from the area that occurs from a one-inch rainfall. That would mean retaining roughly 15,000 more gallons of runoff each year for every 1-inch rainstorm.

Please see more at:’s-first-green-infrastructure-portfolio-standards