A new Colorado law, effective in August, slashes state regulation so that anybody can resell electricity. Traditionally, only utilities could do that. The law is seen as a way to spur entrepreneurs to install e-chargers at grocery stores, hotels, malls, cafes and other urban spots. For around $5,000, anybody with property and access to electricity can install an EV charging station, and a market for $1-an-hour battery charging probably will emerge soon, said Dave Altman, regional development and government sales chief for Eaton Corp., which designs and distributes charging stations. "It's a matter of putting them out in front of your business and saying: 'Here is the station!' It's got a credit-card reader on it — very simple — just like at the gas pump." But drivers would pay $4 instead of $40 or more for a tank of gas. Read full at http://www.denverpost.com/environment/ci_20926269/electric-vehicle-drivers-colorado-get-charge-out-new Source:
David Schaller www.sustainablepractices.info
David Schaller www.sustainablepractices.info