Sep 6, 2012

Protecting Your Business - Almost 2 million Americans are victims of violence in the workplace each year

Almost 2 million Americans report they have been victims of violence in the workplace each year, according to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration.
 ...It is certainly understandable that employers would have trouble maintaining a completely risk-free workplace. Some potentially violent issues in the workplace are reasonably foreseeable, however, which is why OSHA has issued specific guidelines for prevention of workplace violence in certain high-risk areas, such as late-night retail establishments, for health care and social workers and for taxi drivers.
...(But) if an employer does not already have policies and procedures in place to address workplace violence, they should consult with an employment attorney about what kinds of policies they should implement. Employers can also visit the OSHA website, where they can find a number of general recommendations for employers in all industries.