Jun 20, 2013

Announcing Pollution Prevention & Assistance Tracker (P2@) for Pollution Prevention and Compliance Assistance

June 20, 2013 - The Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA) announces the release of "Pollution Prevention and Assistance Tracker," or P2@, version 3.2.7.  This free software tool is designed to help pollution prevention and environmental assistance programs from state, local, county, and tribal governments, non-profits, and universities track their activities and the associated outcomes. It includes sections for tracking:
  • Work with individual clients (such as on-site visits, grants, awards, certifications, recognition, and research)
  • Educational and outreach materials
  • Workshops, conferences, and other training events
  • Responses to information requests
  • Sector-based, geographic-based, or others initiatives
P2@ (formerly called the Pollution Prevention and Compliance Assistance Metrics Database Software) enables programs to track the results associated with these activities, including changes in awareness and behavioral, environmental, and economic outcomes. Because each pollution prevention and assistance program is different, the software can be customized to best suit each program's needs.

The recent upgrades to P2@ include:
·A new section to help programs to track initiatives that involve a variety of assistance and P2 activities and bundle results for the entire initiative
·A more user friendly interface that is easier to navigate and can be streamlined
·Easier ways for programs to customize the database tool and allow them to eliminate sections that are not relevant for their program
·Clearer indicators of required fields and smarter error handling
·A new custom report that aggregates data according to the fields in the National P2 Results Data System so programs can use P2@ to collect data for reporting to P2 Results