Jun 25, 2013

Federal Agriculture Reform And Risk Management Act Of 2013, amendment is simple: No bees, no food.

Below is an excerpt from a speech in Congress by Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL), From CapitolWords

Mr. Chair, my amendment today is simple: No bees, no food. The amendment improves federal coordination in addressing the documented decline of managed and native pollinators, as well as promotes the long-term viability of honey bees, wild bees, and other beneficial insects in agriculture.

Beekeepers and their honey bees are vitally important partners in American agriculture.

They provide essential pollination services to a diverse array of important agricultural commodities. Bee pollinated crops represent an estimated $20 billion in value annually.

Furthermore, one in three bites of food that we eat directly or indirectly comes from pollinators.

Unfortunately, our honey bees, native bees and other pollinating partners are showing signs of decline.

Colony collapse Disorder (CCD), multiple pests and diseases continue to plague beekeepers and their honey bees, as well as affect agriculture producers who depend on their pollination services.

This means that our food and job security, and healthy ecosystems are also at risk.

A recent study released by the National Academy of Sciences on the status of pollinators in North America, highlighted the lack of research and coordination in the federal government when it comes to pollinator health and protection.

In 2008, I offered an amendment to the Farm Bill aimed at protecting pollinators through additional research at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Those provisions went a long way in highlighting the seriousness of pollinator health decline and Colony Collapse Disorder.

I am pleased to see those provisions preserved and extended in this year's Farm Bill. While progress has been made, we still have a long way to go. My amendment will help address these issues.

Bee health is affected by the activities of a number of federal agencies who are dedicated to finding a solution.

But this is a complex problem and it requires a sophisticated and multi-agency response.

Please read more on Bill at: