Jul 7, 2013

CDC: Hangovers cost the American economy $1.90 a drink – a massive $220 billion loss per year

Excessive drinking and resulting hangovers cost the American economy more than $220 billion a year, according to a report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

That amounts to economic losses of about $1.90 a drink.

An estimated seventy-two per cent of the annual $220 billion loss due to excessive drinking, which equals about $160 billion, comes from decreased productivity at work.

'Americans have about 117 billion alcoholic drinks each year,' the Atlantic notes. 'Hangovers cost us about $1.37 for each drink in lost productivity.'

Please continue reading at: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2357742/Hangovers-cost-American-economy-1-90-drink–massive-220-billion-loss-year.html