Oct 7, 2013

89% of Americans do not bother to save 15-30% on their home heating bill [feedly]

89% of Americans do not bother to save 15-30% on their home heating bill
A study from Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory [PDF] found that 89 percent of survey respondents rarely or never used the thermostat to set a weekday or weekend program. Seventy percent were not set at all.

The energy savings for software-based, digital thermostats range from about 15 to 30 percent.

The first generation of two-way digital smart thermostats was often sold through utility channels and the cost was too high. But with the proliferation of smartphones and lower costs, smart thermostats have started to catch on.

The recent popularity has also come from smart-thermostats makers partnering with other players, particularly home security companies and service providers, both of which want to provide end-to-end home automation services for a monthly fee.

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