Dec 10, 2013

73% of wind farms reaching the end of their warranty period servicing to hit $6 billion by 2025

With 73% of wind farms reaching the end of their warranty period by 2015 – and annual O&M services expenditure in the U.S. predicted to reach $6 billion by 2025 – an effective O&M strategy is critical. 

Annual U.S. O&M services expenditure is expected to double from $3 billion (2012) to $6 billion (2025) - representing a growth in overall U.S. O&M wind expenditure from 12% to 29% in the same period

Meaning, that wind farm owners now face critical decisions about O&M in both the near term and long term: the success of those decisions will significantly affect both the operational performance and ultimately the long-term value of wind owners' collective investment, which over the past five years represents roughly US$70 billion....

See presentation here: