Mar 27, 2014

Copper Oxide Thermoelectric Generator Can Light An LED

On Hackaday, we usually end up featuring projects using building blocks (components, platforms…) that can be bought on the market. We however don't show many hacks that rely on basic physics principles like the one shown in the picture above.

In the video embedded below, [nylesteiner] explains that copper oxide can be formed when heating a copper wire using a propane flame. When two oxidized wires are placed in contact with each other, an electrical current is produced when one wire is heated much hotter than the other. The trade-off is that the created thermocouple generates a small voltage but a 'high' current. However, when you cascade 16 junctions in series you can generate enough voltage to light up an LED. Even though the complete system isn't particularly efficient at converting heat into electricity, the overall result is still quite impressive in our opinion. Please continue reading Shared via feedly // published on Hack a Day // visit site